I chose to go ahead and start with the drawing program because I feel that a basic knowledge of drawing will help me in all other areas of art as well.
This program is designed for people ages 5-95, so I wanted to try to do it together with my five year old son.
When we started our first lesson, that we actually drew anything in, even my five year old was like, "Mom, I already know how to draw circles!", but I quickly saw how it all comes together and that no step is truly unimportant.
She had us start out by drawing circles on small pieces of paper. Then we added some curved lines. This is just to get the practice of the shapes and lines. The first one is mine and the second one is my son's.
So pretty quickly after learning to draw circles, we learned how to add to and beyond, and ultimately how to make it look like bubbles! I thought that was pretty cool!
Each one of these little images was from one lesson. Each lesson is fairly short so that it makes it easier to stick with on a daily basis.
We practiced some more curved line lessons, as well as straight lines and more practice on layering. (I need more help on this! UCK!)
Each section that you draw, you can color in and make them look really cool!
We did get to draw an actual picture fairly quickly. We learned how to draw a flower and it's petals.
My son made two. He did so good!!!
I did a little more practicing making flowers look like they are behind each other. (Still need help!)
The next two lessons are ones where we were supposed to take what we have learned and mix all of the shapes together and then shade in the negative space. It looks pretty cool!
I really liked the lesson on Primary and Secondary colors. We actually mixed the colors together and then pasted the cards into our sketch book.
This kid is just too adorable!
There are three parts to the drawing program. Part One has 17 topics/lessons. Part Two has 34 and Part Three has 5.
We are not learning to draw a picture right away, as much as we are learning all of the skills and lines and techniques to be able to draw.
I have not finished all of the sections. I am in Part Two at the moment but I can not wait to see what there is to come. I know that a lot of this seems to be for much younger kids, and I agree that it is very well suited for the younger ones as well as beginners, but I also think that, even as an adult, I can use the refresher of the basic skills and I can remember to put them into action.
Once we complete the drawing program we can choose from one of the three bonus programs to use.
The Pen and Ink section looks really fun! Here you will be doing more drawings and not just learning shapes and techniques. It is so cool though to watch her dray a few lines and all of a sudden you can see a lake and mountains!
I can't wait to follow this tutorial all the way through. The landscape pictures are beautiful.
The watercolor section also looks really fun. I have never really played around with water colors so I would be really interested to learn how to paint with them. I showed you a few different screenshots so that you can see that each picture is shown to you step by step so that you WILL be able to draw it just like they do!
The Acrylic section looks so beautiful. I have also never played around with acrylics either. I am very excited to dive deeper into this whole program. Look at some of what we can learn to paint in this program!
The last part is 3D Design and I know my son will love this! I will too.
I think that when you first start this program you may think it is a little too babyish, but just stick with it because you will be drawing real pictures and artwork in no time! Just follow all of the steps. The program is made this way for a reason.
Your whole family can sit down and do this together and there is only one price per family, no matter how large yours is.
I plan on using this for my 15 year old as well for art.. I like sitting down and doing art with my two boys. It is fun and a great way to bond.
Please make sure to go and read the other Crew member's reviews as well to see what they thought of this program.